Mercedes. My sweet kitten. |
If you've known me long enough, you've known that my cat has been a huge part of my life. She's been around longer than either of my nephews, my niece, or my husband. She's been on a TV show (look for her in the beginning and end!). She's moved with me from my college days in Athens to my first job in Duluth to my first apartment in Atlanta proper to a brief stint living with my best friends to the apartment where I lived when I first started dating, got engaged to and then married to my now husband and, finally, to the apartment where my husband and I made our first home. If you lost count, that's 6 homes in a little over 7 years.
To say that this cat has been there for me through everything is, at best, an understatement. Hell, she was the costar of my very first blog!
I'm not going to lie and say that Mercedes has been an easy cat; there's a reason her nickname is Mersatan. I don't think she has bad intentions, though. I just think she's misunderstood.
That said, Evan and I have made a difficult decision (difficult for me, at least...he's been on the receiving end of some of Merce's worst temper tantrums). We have found a new home for Mercedes.
I have known for a while that Mercedes hasn't been happy living indoors. She is pretty wild at heart and needs to be able to chase bugs and rodents and explore the outdoors. My coworker, Erika, has been amazing and supportive and has found the perfect situation for us all. Tomorrow, Mercedes will take up her new residence as a semi-outdoor cat. She will have a warm place to sleep -- in a wood-working shop, no less -- and 200 acres of farm land to explore as she pleases.
This is not an easy choice for me. From the moment that I saw her on Craigslist and made the decision to save her life (she was going to be put down soon if they couldn't find a home. This is why we all need to support our local animal shelters...seriously, people. ADOPT), I have been in love with this little girl.
I know we're making the right decision though. She'll be happier. She'll have more room to play and explore. She'll be a useful and loyal companion to her new owners.
With much more back story than I intended on giving, I bring you my letter to my cat:
I want you to know how much I love you. I always have. I always will. From the time I first adopted you, you captured my heart. I remember driving home with you in my lap. You were so tiny. And scared. As soon as I started to sing along to the radio, which I often do when I'm alone, you put your hands on my chest and stood up in my lap, purring and staring into my eyes. That sealed the deal for me. You always enjoyed it when I pretended to audition for American Idol in the bathroom. Thank you.
This is the first picture I have of Merce...chasing rubber bands is still her favorite! |
Even though you were sometimes a terror, I knew that, if I ever really needed to feel better, you would do the trick. After every break-up, heartbreak or really awful day, you knew to come snuggle up next to me and purr until I fell asleep.
She seriously knows when I'm feeling bad. :( |
You are at your best when I am sick or sad.
I could not pose her like this. |
Sure, you liked to attack my feet in the middle of the night. Sometimes you would wake me up destroying the plastic bag I left out.
She was stuck in this bag for about an hour. |
Sometimes you would go just a little bit crazy an run all over the apartment, chasing whatever it was you thought you saw. You always snuggled yourself in the middle of or on top of my warm clean laundry.
Warm laundry is the best! Plus you take my fur with you when you go to work! |
Boxes are your favorite.
E says she's thinking: "If I fits, I sits." |
Not a day went by that you didn't try to drink the leftover milk from my cereal bowl or the water right out of my cup.
Can't make this up. Every day. |
But I didn't mind.
You were my litmus test for men. You knew before I did when someone wasn't right for me. And you showed me. You attacked his leg as he went to the bathroom. You pounced on his crotch while we watched a movie. You clawed his thumb when he was just trying to pet you. But Evan was different. I told him not to pet you; that you were just not a cuddly cat with men. He sat down on the couch and you proved me wrong. Imagine my surprise when I came out of the kitchen to see you purring happily on his lap while he loved on you. You were right about him, too. He is a good one.
She never did this with anyone but Evan...and his twin brother. But I'm pretty sure she thought he was E. |
I know it hasn't been easy for you. We moved a lot. You had a taste of the wild and then I brought you back inside. Sometimes I was too busy to play with you. I wasn't the best about cleaning your litter. I dressed you up as a devil for Halloween and Santa for Christmas.
She was not amused. |
I brought an energetic, obnoxious, slobbery beast into your otherwise peaceful life.
Mersatan observes the new invader of her fortress... |
I'm making up for that all now. Your new home will be fun and exciting! You'll have room to run and play. You'll never be trapped inside again. You'll have the freedom to choose where you go! You'll have the great wide-open as your playground!
Be nice to your new owners. Be courageous and fierce! Don't ever think that I don't love you. I'm doing this because I do. I know it's scary at first, but you'll see soon that this is much better. You can, once again, be the tiny lion I know you are.
Saying goodbye is bittersweet. It is breaking my heart, but I know it's for the best. You will always be with me in my heart. You have a special place there. You were my first real baby.
I know you'll be fine. I hope I will, too. Goodbye, sweet kitten. I love you very much.
The loves of my life. The one time they were all peaceful and harmonious together. |
Love always,