Friday, November 23, 2012

It's a Thanksgiving Miracle!

So happy with how this turned out!
I made a turkey. Like, by myself! Well, actually, that's not entirely true. Evan carved it and helped me move it all around and stuff, but I did the prep, basting and timing of it and, in my opinion, that's the real work. Ok...except the carving. That's definitely real work! 

Proof that he is awesome!
Anyway, for two days before Thanksgiving, I worked my butt off getting everything ready! I made my mom's famous sweet potatoes and my nana's cranberries and homemade whipped cream! Evan was a huge help, getting the bathrooms cleaned and bathing Cali. No one wants a stinky puppy around the amazing feast that is Thanksgiving at the Wing House. 

Fresh, never canned!
I went out to Hobby Lobby and Michaels to make this awesome centerpiece!

Pretty and good-smelling! Scented pinecones from Michaels are always a win!
The night before Thanksgiving, Allie gave us her grandmother's hand cross-stitched tablecloth for us to use. We ironed it, and set up our table! I will seriously find any excuse to use our fancy silver that we got for our wedding! 

I'm not gonna lie, I love the way it looked all set up!
We woke up and I definitely had a sweet I made some yummy crescent roll cinnamon rolls! 

Cali was really excited to have the windows open and was definitely on "smell patrol," making sure that no smell passed our window without her approval first. 

Haven't smelled this, haven't smelled that...
After what seemed like the longest 2 days ever, it was finally time to eat! Evan's family (well, the part that lives in Atlanta) came over with the most amazing spread of food! We had turkey, sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, "upscale" green beans, stuffing, mac and cheese (which was delicious...and not poisoned...Evan's twin brother made it, so I had to be somewhat skeptical!), rolls and taco salad! For dessert, Allie made this amazing cheesecake pumpkin pie! I wish I had a picture of everything. You'd be jealous. Instead, here's a picture of Evan and Cali...they are enough reason for you to be jealous. They're awesome!

They are so cute!
My favorite part of our Thanksgiving was the new tradition that we started. I have a friend whose mom always has everyone write what they're thankful for, the year and their name on their Thanksgiving tablecloth. I love this idea, but since I thought Allie's tablecloth was a little too special to destroy, I put my own twist on it! I bought cheap napkins from Target and gave everyone a sharpie and let them at it! I did lay down a set of guidelines: nothing sarcastic, nothing dirty, nothing "Cam" (sorry--had to say it). I should have specified no drawings, but we had to let Allie use her art major for something! I'm not going to read them until next year, but I'm really excited to see what they look like in 10 years! Tune in (if blogs are still cool then...if they are even still cool now...even if they're not, I'll probably still be using it) to see how they turn out!

See those napkin rings? One of my awesome residents gave us those for our wedding! 
As for me, I am thankful for my wonderful husband and whatever lies in our future! 

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone! 

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